Map H: Massanutten Mt-South Half

Type: Maps
Price: $15.00


Map H: Massanutten Mt-South Half (New Market to Mass. Peak) (6th edition, 2014)

PATC Map H covers the narrow mountain ridge extending from New Market Gap (US-211) to the Massanutten Ski Resort area on the southern edge. There are about 28 miles of excellent trails in this portion of George Washington National Forest. While the south half of the mountain range is visited less than the north half, there are some exceptionally beautiful areas in this region. This map highlights the Massanutten South Trail.

Printed on water-resistant, tear-resistant synthetic stock in 5 colors, Map H has a scale of 1:63,360 and contour interval of 100 feet. The grid projection is the UTM system with lines plotted 5 kilometers apart. Datum: NAD 83. The 2014 edition introduces shaded relief to assist the user in terrain visualization.